9 Best Wallpaper Apps for Android 2025

We use our Android phone every day, open lock screen to just check the time. Try to customize every bit of home screen, app launcher, icons so it feels unique to you. That would be a shame if we did not choose an awesome wallpaper for our android phone that suits you.

Here in this post, I will share some best wallpaper apps for Android that you can use to spicy up your homescreen and lockscreen.

Best Wallpaper Apps

Apps are listed here in random order, you can pick any of the app based on your liking.


Abstruct features artwork of Hampus Olsson Swedish artist who made the Iconic OnePlus wallpapers. App features 300+ wallpapers made by him, quality of wallpapers and user experience of the app is top-notch.

All wallpapers available in-app is not free but hey its a one time purchase you have to make to support his work, You will get access to upcoming future wallpapers in-app.


What I Like

  • Unique Wallpapers, custom made
  • Quality Wallpapers (2K, 4K)
  • Exclusive access to Wallpapers of Hampus Olsson
Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K
Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot
  • Abstruct - Wallpapers in 4K Screenshot

Crispy Wallpapers

If you love stock and dope wallpapers then crispy wallpaper app is for you.

Anyone can create an account in Crispy Wallpaper app to submit their great wallpapers, you don’t need to sign in to use the app, every wallpaper in-app is free to use.

It features most of the stock wallpapers from renowned brands and great wallpapers from Unsplash too. Wallpapers are timely updated so you always have the latest crispy AMOLED wallpapers.

Don’t forget to check the live wallpapers category if you are going to try it out.?


What I like

  • 800+ Stock wallpapers Included
  • Quality Wallpapers (2k, 4k)
  • You can upload your own wallpapers too
  • Live Wallpaper Support

Vectorify da home!

This app is for users who like crisp,  clean, minimal wallpaper,

Actually, in this app, you have to make your own wallpaper with simple icons and colour palette. You can position the icon where ever you like in the wallpaper by using buttons at the bottom, you can also scale up and down to resize icon to fit as you like.

You can not ad icon more than one and also you can create gradient background but the app is great for creating a minimalist wallpaper in no time.

The most stand out feature of the app is colour palette provided by the developer. The default colour palette makes everything looks great.

What I like

  • Simple Minimal wallpaper creator
  • Icons are great- Export quality great
  • Default Colour palette is great
Vectorify da home!
Vectorify da home!
Developer: Ivan D'Ortenzio
Price: Free
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot
  • Vectorify da home! Screenshot

3D Wallpapers Parallax

Everyone likes to try something new, 3D Wallpapers Parallax just gives you feeling of new, as you can access to 350+ 3d wallpapers collection, at the same time you are not limited to this collection, you can create your own multilayered 3d wallpaper. Any user can also upload their created 3D wallpaper to share that with the community.

Creating a 3D wallpaper is as easy as just selecting multiple wallpapers, other than that you don’t have to scratch your head to make your 3D  wallpaper, app gives your basic elements you can directly use.

What I Like

  • Creating Own 3D wallpapers
  • Easy to Use
  • Unquie Wallpapers
3D Wallpaper Parallax
3D Wallpaper Parallax
Developer: ImaTechInnovations
Price: Free

Wallpapers – By Google

This app is really great and unique, category of wallpaper is also great, You can select a category in-app and based on that category Wallpaper app can automatically change your wallpaper daily.

You can set homescreen and lock screen wallpaper separate only on 7.0 and above. Wallpapers in-app is updated by Google but don’t expect daily, a monthly update of new wallpapers.

What I like

  • Automatic Wallpaper change support
  • Unique Wallpapers
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Splash it Wallpapers

Another great wallpaper app that has handpicked wallpapers you are going to like it.

Splash it also gives you access to 3000+ wallpapers Google Photos album that you can use and share with your friends.

If you are interested in using Google Photos album directly as a Wallpaper source, then that’s also possible, read for how to do that.

What I like

  • Quality Wallpapers (2k, 4k)
  • Splash it Gives Access to 3000+ Wallpapers in Google Photos that you can use without Splash it app
  • You can submit wallpaper request
Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED
Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot
  • Splash It - 4K, HD, AMOLED Screenshot


If you are looking for artistic, minimal wallpapers then Backdrop should be on your radar,

Backdrop has a large collection of wallpapers like minimal, futuristic, AMOLED, most of the wallpapers are backdrop exclusive that is developed in house, quality of wallpapers is top class.

The app interface is simple and easy to use, few categories are pro only that can be unlocked with a one-time payment.

Backdrops - Wallpapers
Backdrops - Wallpapers
Developer: Backdrops Dev LLC
Price: Free

Unsplash Wallpapers

Unsplash is an open community of worlds best photographer where they share their great photos for free with the world, You can use those images & wallpapers for any purpose you like,

Many developers made some apps so you can access all wallpapers of Unsplash on your mobile and use them as wallpapers.

Here is a list of a few wallpapers app that uses wallpapers from Unsplash entirely, although there are other apps too like Splash it which also features wallpapers from Unsplash.

Resplash - Wallpapers
Resplash - Wallpapers
Developer: Brandon Lam
Price: Free
Walldrobe: Unsplash Wallpapers
Walldrobe: Unsplash Wallpapers

Wallpaper Changer for Reddit

You can say Reddit is the biggest community in the world where people have created different subreddits(topic pages) based on interest,

Some of the subreddits feature wallpapers of a different kind like r/Earthporn, r/itookapicture, r/Verticalwallpapers and many more,

You can use Wallpaper Changer for Reddit Android app to automatically change your homescreen wallpaper based on subreddits you provide in-app.

It’s a cool app you have to try it once.

Unknown app
Unknown app
Developer: Bryan Walsh
Price: Free

I have written a separate post about how to auto wallpaper change wallpaper on your android, that post also includes more android apps that you can use to auto change your android homescreen wallpaper from Reddit. Check Automatic Wallpaper Changer for Android.


TikTok Video As live Wallpaper

Do you know you can use TikTok videos as live wallpaper too for this you just need to install one additional app that is also made by TikTok. While watching video on TikTok open share menu select live photo option to set current video as your wallpaper, don’t forget to try it, it’s really cool.

tiktok set wallpaper

To find great wallpapers on TikTok just search live wallpaper, wallpaper and other relevant search terms.


I hope you found a great wallpapers app for your android from this best wallpaper apps for Android list, you can always search on Google Play store for more wallpapers app as daily new wallpaper apps to the play store.

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