1337x Proxy List [Updated 2025]

1337x is website that provides torrents files and magnet links that is used to download files via peer-to-peer sharing.

You can use any torrent client in the market to download the torrent content, You can also download torrent content online directly in the cloud with high-speed than download content when you need.

1337x is right now one of the most popular torrent website as of 2022.

1337x first appeared online in 2007 but gained popularity in 2016 when KickAss Torrents shut down. This website keeps jumping domains to evade blocking because content shared as torrent websites are mostly filled with torrents that share pirated content.

If you right now want to unblock 1337x then you can use the following proxy and mirror sites list of 1377x to access it, some people write 1377x proxy as 13377x proxy site also.


Note: We don’t support piracy in anyway, use torrent websites to download non-copyrighted material.

1337x Proxy 2025

Here’s a list of 1337x proxies sites. we have handpicked over the internet. The 1337x proxy site list below is updated regularly and verified by us. All the 1337x mirror and proxy sites can be opened directly in your browser.

1337x Proxy Site ListCountry
https://1337x.to/United States
1337x.katunblock.comUnited States
1337x.torproxy.rentUnited States
1337x.tounblock.bestUnited States
1337x.tounblock.infoUnited States
1337x.ukpass.ioUnited States
1337x.katunblock.infoUnited States
1337x.katunblock.siteUnited States
https://1337x.st/United States
https://x1337x.se/United States
https://x1337x.ws/United States
https://1337x.unblockit.li/United States
https://1337x.unblockninja.com/United States
https://x1337x.eu/United States
https://ww1.1337x.buzz/United States
https://1337x.wtf/United States

The country of proxy sites can be different because the sites are behind Firewalls.

1337x Alternatives

In case you are not able to access 1337x proxy sites mentioned here, We have some alternatives that you can use:

How Do 1377x Proxies Work?

The rise of torrent sites has been phenomenal. To make torrent downloading and sharing easier, torrent proxy sites have evolved.


The main function of a torrent proxy site is to provide a front end for torrent file downloads without using the VPN as the main domains are generally restricted by ISP.

How Torrent Works?

Torrents are a form of peer-to-peer file sharing. You will find that many torrent sites have a “torrent file” (.torrent file extension) attached to it. This file is a list of the information about the file you want to share.

The torrent site then distributes this file to other users who are looking for the same file. The torrent site does not share the file itself, it only contains the information about the file.

This is how torrent sites work.

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